+212 (0)6 67 47 73 78 / +33 (0)6 47 62 81 26


Feel joy by reconnecting with your body and exploring your breathing through the practice of yoga

Amélie Elbaz teaches hatha yoga. She gives classes to develop students’ autonomy, awareness and singularity. She proposes an intimate practice that deeply and non-violently restores energy, balance and fluidity.

Postural rebalancing

According to the physiological particularities and environment of each one, custom made approach.

Therapeutic approach

Specific care given to injuries and pain, searching for antalgesic postures

Pre and post natal yoga

Courses to support women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

yoga nidra

On the ground relaxing meditation stimulating senses by voice guiding.


From March 14 to 17 Atlas Kasbah ecolodge. From May 23 to 26, Tafedna Tasgua Yan beach. 6 sessions of 2 hours over 4 days, from 8-10am in the morning and 5:30-7:30pm in the evening.

Business programs

Suited workshop for companies with adapted themes : centration, supports, circular economy, balance, resources, ...



Amélie Elbaz is a yoga teacher, and has been choreographer and philosophy teacher. She is also a Gestalt therapist, and is still learning at EPG ( Parisian School of Gestalt therapy).
Her work focuses on breath, as a bridge to the spiritual dimension of yoga. Concerning the postures, she likes to work on the specificity of each body, in order to restore physiological balance and, consequently, psychological one.
She is not adept of a systematic routine in the class, but tries to work as much as possible in synergy with the energy and the dispositions of participants. In classes, she likes working on holding positions, more than on rapid succession of sequences, in her opinion less likely to generate a deep work (especially for the organs).
Her training started 25 years ago in Sankara school in Paris and has been completed with the Mediterranean Institute of Yoga. She post trained in nidra (yoga of the sleep) and prenatal and postnatal yoga. Her influences are numerous: tantra (Osho), non dual Kashmeer yoga, Madras school.


Classes can be held in french or english.
One to one or private collective sessions can be given at home or in studio, and built up according to the participants’ needs and abilities.
Those courses might be punctual or structured on specific axes that will be worked for a few days, weeks or months.
Private classes last one hour.
Workshops or retreats have longer classes (90 to 120 mn) once, twice or three times a day.
Classes can be programmed :
In Marrakesh, area « Bine lekchali », close to French high school (Targa). In Paris, 4 rue d'Alexandrie, 75002. On video. Retreats in Morocco :
In the mountains : kasbahbeldi.com
By the sea : www.tasgua-yan.com






Program to be conscious of ourselves, to relieve useless stress and be aligned, to feel more centered, pleased and efficient....(Download the document to see more)

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